Oct 3, 2018
How To Troubleshoot Physical Connection Issue on SAN Switch
Introduction In this post we will cover how to perform some basic troubleshooting on SAN switch connections that can lead to high enc_out/ crc_err /loss sig (for Brocade) or exceeded bit-error threshold (for cisco) and bad connections as well. What Can Cause Connection Issues? Here are some of the items that can lead to bad / faulty SAN Connections. Faulty or bad cable. Faulty or bad Gigabit Interface... read more
Aug 21, 2015
How To Use Device-Alias on a Cisco MDS
As I continue on my journey of learning how to manage storage I have learned about using device aliases instead of pwwn’s directly. The benefit to using device-alias in this manner makes it easy when a device has new pwwn’s assigned to it (due to hardware replacement or in the case of a blade a move to a new chassis) that you can update the device-alias and not have to make any other storage... read more