May 24, 2018
Installing and Running PowerCLI on Linux
Introduction The wait is over, you can now run PowerCLI on Linux. This is due to Microsoft PowerShell Core 6.x and .NET Core which includes the modules. According to, PowerCLI Core uses Microsoft PowerShell Core and .Net Core to enable users of Linux, Mac and Docker to now use the same cmdlets which were previously only available on windows. PowerCLI Core enables a multi-platform scripting... read more
Aug 19, 2016
Network performance with VMXNET3 on Windows Server 2012 R2
Introduction In this post we will cover an updated version for addressing VMXNET3 performance issues on Windows Server 2012 R2. As with an earlier post we addressed Windows Server 2008 R2 but, with 2012 R2 more features were added and old settings are not all applicable. What To Change According to VMWare you may experience issues similar to: Poor performance Packet loss Network latency Slow data transfer... read more
Sep 9, 2014
How to Fix General Protection Fault in module WIN87EM.DLL while running Windows 7 in VMWare
Recently ran into an issue with a Windows 7 32-bit VM running in VMware Fusion on Mac OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) when running a Point of Sale application would receive a Application has caused a general protection fault in module WIN87EM.DLL. Starting doing some digging and found this thread discussing the issue at... read more
Apr 26, 2014
How to Windows P2V Using VMware vCenter Converter for Virtualbox
Download and install VMware vCenter Converter for Windows and install it on the physical Windows XP or higher machine to be converted. Run the VMware Converter on the physical host. It will take sometime to run and possibly may create multiple vmdk files. Transfer the converted virtual machine files to the destination host from the external drive. The Windows 7 physical machine is no longer needed. The... read more
Feb 28, 2013