May 2, 2017
How To Resolve PowerPath 6 Installation Hang on Installing Prerequisites Issue
So you are performing an upgrade to latest PowerPath on Windows and during the installation it hangs on Installing Prerequisites. No errors popup and nothing in the log except you see that vcredist is running. Very puzzling and not much to go on. So why is it happening? With a bit of digging we find an article https://emcservice.force.com/CustomersPartners/kA2j0000000RI7vCAG that hints towards the... read more
Feb 10, 2017
Using EMC PowerPath with Oracle ASM
Introduction This post explains how to configure and use EMC PowerPath with Oracle ASM for clustered Oracle RAC servers running on RHEL 6.4 or higher servers. Oracle ASM ensures consistent naming of devices across RAC clusters, and also maintains permissions on devices across reboots, a feature that was important until UDEV rules were added to Linux with the 2.5 kernel. EMC PowerPath is an advanced... read more
Jan 28, 2016
Using EMC PowerPath Migration Enabler for Storage Migrations on Windows
Introduction This post covers the use of PowerPath Migration Enabler to migrate files and programs from old to new disks without interruption on Windows servers. If you are migrating to new storage, this is a very handy thing to have. You must have PowerPath 5.7 SP2 or higher installed with the PowerPath Migration Enabler license key enabled on the host. Process The Process Before we start you will need... read more
Nov 8, 2015
How To Install and Config PowerPath on RHEL
Introduction PowerPath is EMC licensed software for managing SAN attached storage on your systems. In this post we will cover how to install, license and scan for newly attached storage. Prerequisites Download the PowerPath software from EMC powerlink website. If you’ve purchased EMC support, you should have access to powerlink. For RHEL 4 EMCpower.LINUX- read more
Sep 20, 2015
How to Setup iSCSI on Windows 2008 R2
Here is one of those topics you do not see much, sure there are basics on setting up the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator but what about the details in adding the whole thing, well here it it is!. Overview In this post we will be configuring a NIC just for accessing the storage, configuring the iSCSI Initiator, then adding the storage to the server. Configure the iSCSI NICS on Server Before we can configure the... read more