Jul 28, 2013
How To Install WordPress on Fedora 18 / 19
Looking to start working on WordPress sites, developing new themes or just want to hack around on it? Well what better place to start then on your system. This post covers how to install WordPress on your Fedora 18/19 install. So let’s get started! First we will need to install the dependencies for WordPress which comprise of,httpd, PHP 5.2.x, mysql-server and eventually WordPress itself. With the... read more
Jul 5, 2012
Changing Print Size in Firefox 11+ with NoSquint
Recently came across and issue with emails and other web pages printing the fonts in an unreadable size. This was not an issue with Internet Explorer or Chrome. Found that this is a fairly common issue that users were experiencing. This is where Firefox AddOns fill the gap. Enter NoSquint. NoSquint allows you to adjust the viewing and printing size of the pages and fonts and alleviates the issue.... read more
Apr 3, 2012
Running ASP.NET on Apache 2.2
Continuing with running Apache 2.x on Windows systems (Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2) I found the desire to be able to deliver ASPX pages on the Windows server in my development environment. Upon searching the Internet I came across an Apache module mod_aspdotnet.so found here. The module is no longer being actively updated but works well on Apache 2.0 – 2.2 installations. This implementation is... read more
Mar 31, 2012
Install mod_perl on Apache 2.2 on Windows 7
To continue on with developing on Windows using Apache/MySQL/PHP I wanted to add mod_perl to the mix. For this post I chose to make it work on Apache 2.2 but it could possibly work on Apache 2.4 as well, but I have not tested they portion yet. First piece of the puzzle is to download a version of Perl that supports the Module on Apache. In the past I have gone with ActiveState’s ActivePerl but... read more
Mar 17, 2012