Oct 10, 2011
Alfresco 4.0a Community Edition Released
Exciting today for Alfresco Users. On 9/30/11 Alfresco 4.0a Community Edition was released. Alfresco is the OpenSource answer to Microsoft’s SharePoint. The community version is free as well as a pay for Enterprise Edition. Look for future posts on installing Alfresco on Windows and Linux systems and configuring and using as well. Very exciting times!!! read more
Apr 9, 2011
Alfresco Install on Windows
Been a few days since my initial boring post but I promise this to be a bit better. As part of my day to day responsibilities I am a SharePoint 2007 / 2010 administrator, but the Linux portion of me is looking for an Opensource alternative and I have found it with Alfresco . Look in the coming days for more information on how to install and configure this awesome piece of software. read more