Sep 27, 2016
How to Install GIMP 2.9.x on OSX and Windows
Introduction If you are a Linux user you know of GIMP or for that matter a user of OpenSource applications. To me the GIMP is the answer for image editing and creation as apposed to Photoshop or other pay for editing programs. The GIMP is part of a sweet of OpenSource tools available for image manipulation. In this post we will cover how to install the un-stable version of GIMP (2.9.x) on Mac OS X and... read more
May 5, 2012
GIMP 2.8 Released
After a long wait GIMP 2.8 has been released. GIMP has always been my favorite graphics editor and it is free! I have always liked the fact that it is a cross platform app that I can use no matter what OS I have chosen to complete my task at hand. GIMP is the alternative to Photoshop which is great but very expensive product. Long-anticipated features such as layer groups, on-canvas text editing, advanced... read more