
How To Maintain Your Windows Desktop Clean and Free of Malware

Introduction I know, hard to believe that you can keep a Windows system clean and free of malware, but you can keep it at bay using a few free tools out there and some common sense. In this post we will cover a few tools and ways to accomplish the task at hand. Tools So what are some of the tools out there? Not surprisingly there are several free tools out there that are great. A few of the tools I use on... read more

Keeping Your Kindle HD Clean of Malware

As with PC and other devices there is malicious software and others trying to mess up your device. Luckily there are several free tools ou there to keep your device running smoothly. The Kindle HD is not exempt from the malicious apps out there so here are a few apps that you will want to install from the Amazon App store. Here are two of my favorites. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware If there is one tool I tend... read more
