
Installing Nagios Part 1

For the next series we will be discussing installing and configuring Nagios for monitoring. The series will include installing Nagios, plugins, agents and various custom monitors. Also, adding other features including graphing and performance charting. Nagios is a powerful monitoring tools used by many IT departments and has the support of the Open Source community. So let’s get started! Our choice for OS... read more

Configure SNMP for RHEL 6

SNMP is a very powerful and useful tool to add to your Linux system. It is great for sending alerts to different monitoring systems like Nagios and many other great products. But first it needs to be installed and configured before you can put this under rated tool to work. Install SNMP using yum, you will need net-snmp-utils, net-snmp, net-snmp-libs. $ sudo yum install –y net-snmp-utils net-snmp... read more

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