
Installing Microsoft PowerShell Core 6.x on Fedora 28

Installing Microsoft PowerShell Core 6.x on Fedora 28 In an earlier post we covered the release and install of PowerShell Core 6 on Linux and OS X. In this post we will install PowerShell Core 6.1 preview 2 on Fedora 28. Download the rhel7 RPM for PowerShell Core 6.1 preview 2 from  Once downloaded the installation is a standard rpm... read more

Running and Installing .NET Core SDK 2 On Fedora 28

Introduction As part of the continuing effort to port .NET Core to other OSes, Microsoft has made .NET Core available on Linux. Being the geek that I am I have to try to get it to run on Linux, more specifically Fedora 28. In this post we will cover exactly how to accomplish it. Installing First thing is to download the latest... read more

Installing .NET 1.1 on Windows 2008 R2

Overview This postexplains how to install .NET 1.1 on Windows 2008 R2. .NET 1.1 is not officially supported on Windows 2008 platform but can be installed and used. First IIS 7.5 must be installed with a few additional features.   Step 1: Install IIS and IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility Open Server Manager and click on Roles.  In the right pane click Add Roles, click Next on the Before You Begin Screen.... read more
