Apr 10, 2016
How To Display Windows Shares Using PowerShell and WMI
Introduction By using PowerShell to call WMI we can gather information on the share on a system or onĀ a remote system. In this post we will cover how retrieve basic nd some detailed information using PowerShell and WMI. With Windows 8.1 ans Server 2012 R2 there have been added cmdlets called Get-SmbShare which will be covered in future posts. The Commands So let’s get started on getting some... read more
Sep 13, 2012
Install and Setup Samba on CentOS / RHEL
It is a fact of life,, there are Windows clients that need to access shared data and as admins we like to have control and secure way to deliver the data from Linux to Windows and this is where Samba comes into play. A basic Samba share on a Linux server is not very hard to implement and in this post we will be using CentOS to deliver the goods. Install Samba package $ sudo yum install samba samba-client... read more