Feb 14, 2014
How To Reset the IP Stack in Windows Vista
Viruses, Spyware and the like can mess with the Windows IP Stack. the steps listed here are how to reset the IP stack in Windows Vista. Go to the Start Menu, type cmd and right click or (Ctrl + Shift and hit Enter), and select “Run As Administrator” Type the following commands, each followed by pressing enter. ipconfig /flushdns nbtstat -R nbtstat -RR netsh int reset all netsh int ip reset... read more
Feb 4, 2013
How To Remove Sleep Option from the Vista Shutdown Menu
Recently ran into an issue with a Windows Vista desktop system that the client kept putting the system to sleep with the desktop and was causing issues. If this was a laptop I wouldn’t want to remove the Sleep option from the menu, but being a desktop it was not such a big issue. Click Start, Run Type “regedit” To disable sleep for all users, go to... read more