Oct 31, 2018
How To Allow Sites That Need Flash to Run In Google Chrome
The Issue Happens all the time, you are just cruising along using Google Chrome and you hit a site that needs Adobe Flash to work and Chrome stops it dead in it’s tracks and a link appears saying you need to download and install Adobe Flash. If you try to install Flash and return you will get the same error. So how do you fix it? It is easier than you think. Note: Only let Flash run on websites that... read more
Jan 1, 2015
How To Install Google Chrome on Kindle HD
Recently I began to start using my Kindle HD alot more and was surprised to only see Silk as the available browser. Being an Admin this is not an option as there are many other browsers out there and especially for Android devices. With the Kindle you are limited to what is in the Amazon App store which is good but Chrome and Firefox are not in the store. So to rectify this you must do the following. Go... read more
Mar 17, 2014
How To Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 13.10
Google Chrome is not in any of the Ubuntu repositories, but luckily it is not too hard to install it on Ubuntu. First we will need to download the latest stable versions. Download 32 bit version using command line $ wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb Download 64 bit version using command line $ wget... read more