Oct 24, 2018
How To Mount and Unmount ISO files using PowerShell
Withe Windows 10 the ability to mount ISO files (disk images) was added and you no longer have to use third party tools to mount them. In these post we will cover how to mount and unmount using PowerShell. Very simple and easy to execute. Open PowerShell as Administrator. Use the Mount-DiskImage cmdlet to mount the ISO. Syntax is: Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath “C:\FILE.ISO” Example: The drive... read more
Jul 31, 2015
How To Create a Windows 10 Installation ISO
Windows 10 is here! And with that comes many issues with one being how do I create bootable media for installing? Well that is easy due to Microsoft providing a Windows Media Creation Tool to download and create bootable USB and DVD ISO media or upgrade your system. You can start by downloading the tool from here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 . Select either 32 or 64 bit... read more
Feb 27, 2014
How To Add Drivers and Re-Create A Windows 2008 R2 Installation DVD
You know how it goes, nothing is simple when it comes to building servers, especially with Windows and drivers. Recently I was tasked with building servers 300 miles away through the iLo and could not get HP Intelligent Provisioning to work so I resulted to mounting the iso image on the iLo itself and set to boot. This worked to start the installation but there was no drivers and stopped it dead in... read more