
How To Encrypt USB Drives on Windows 10 with Veracrypt

How To Encrypt USB Drives on Windows 10 with Veracrypt Introduction In continuing on with protecting your data and using encryption of USB external drives we will cover another open source program VeraCrypt. Install Download VeraCrypt 1.24 Update 7 from Click Next Click I accept and click Next Click Next Click Install Click Ok Click Finish. You may get a popup... read more

How To Encrypt USB Flash Drives on Windows 10 with DiskCryptor

How To Encrypt USB Flash Drives on Windows 10 with DiskCryptor Introduction With the popularity of USB Flash drives and USB external storage for portability and ease of use there is also to ease to lose them and also lose your files. With the loss there is always the chance that someone will end up with your data. But, if you encrypt your drives it is no so easy to get to your data. In this post we will... read more

How To Map a Network Drive With Encrypted Password with PowerShell

Introduction With the New-PSDrive cmdlet add to PowerShell 3, we can now mount any available PSProvder as a drive. This is great and simple to execute, but the real question is how can I do this and not send the password in clear text, but encrypted. The answer to that question is yes and in this post we will discuss how. The Process The first piece of the puzzle is to create a secure string password for... read more
