Nov 3, 2015
How To Rip DVD’s Using VLC and HandBrake on Windows
Introduction Handbrake for converting video files. But when working with it on Windows you had to get a program called DVD43 that would unlock your DVD so you could make a backup of the video. The only problem is that it doesn’t work in Windows 7 + 8 64-Bit or other 64-Bit Windows. I have found that Handbrake and VLC’s libdvdcss will make this to work and here is how. Step 1 – Download... read more
Oct 15, 2015
How to Install and Use HandBrake on Fedora 21 / 22
Introduction The situation is you have a great DVD and you want to view this on your Fedora installation but not by playing the the DVD, but to have it on the drive so you can play it when you are traveling or really do not want to carry the DVD with you. This is assuming this is your personally owned DVD. Well no fear HandBrake is here to the rescue. HandBrake is easy to use, it’s available for Windows,... read more
Dec 11, 2013
How to Install Handbrake on Ubuntu 13.10
Handbrake is an open-source tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs. For instance you have a movie and you want to convert it to MP4 format for viewing on your phone or other handheld device, then Handbrake is the tool for you. Installation is simple. First add the PPA to your system, type: $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases... read more