How To Rip DVD’s Using VLC and HandBrake on Windows
Handbrake for converting video files. But when working with it on Windows you had to get a program called DVD43 that would unlock your DVD so you could make a backup of the video. The only problem is that it doesn’t work in Windows 7 + 8 64-Bit or other 64-Bit Windows. I have found that Handbrake and VLC’s libdvdcss will make this to work and here is how.
Step 1 – Download HandBrake and libdvdcss
Download (64 bit) Handbrake for Windows from and Install it. Take note of the install location.
Download the libdvdcss 64-Bit from VideoLan at and move it to your Handbrake install location. ( C:\Program Files\Handbrake )
Rename the libdvdcss-2.dll to libdvdcss.dll in your Handbrake install folder. ( C:\Program Files\Handbrake )
Start Handbrake, put in your DVD and go from there.
Note: Make sure you download the Handbrake 64-bit version of libdvdcss from the link above., and rename the DLL to libdvdcss.dll its what worked for me.
Note: You must use the libdvdcss listed for the download as it works with the newest version of Handbrake.
Step 2 – Convert a DVD
Now we are ready to start converting a DVD. We will be converting the DVD to MKV (Matroska) format. Open HandBrake and you will be greeted with many options.
Insert your DVD and click on Source and select the DVD to convert.
Next step we will need to select where we are going to save the file. Click on the browse button and navigate to where you want to save the file and type in a name and click save.
We are just about there. At this point you could save the output as an MP4 or select MKV. If you are saving this to be used on iPad or iPhone keep the Output setting to MP4 and select the correct preset in the Presets section. When you are ready click Start.
Sit back and relax while HandBrake completes the work.
As we can see by using VLC’s libdvdcss and HandBrake we can back up your DVD’s to you system as well as convert into other format’s for use on your devices.
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