
Many Ways To Log Out of Windows Server 2016

Many Ways To Log Out of Windows Server 2016 Introduction As with every new version of Windows Server there are always some changes. with logging out of Server 2016 there are a few new ones. One of those is logging out of the server itself. It is also very good to know many different ways to log out as in some instances one method may not work. In this post we will cover a few different ways to log out.... read more

Managing Your RDP with Remote Desktop Manager

Introduction Remote Desktop Manager (RDM) is an efficient solution for launching connections or conveniently viewing entries that have been centralized in your data source (database), In this case we are looking at managing RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) connections. It also saves all of your remote connections, passwords and credentials in a single, secure platform. With RDM, you can quickly and easily... read more

How To Fix Local Mapped Drives in RDP issue Windows 2008

Recently ran into an issue where several servers would not honor the local resources map when running a Remote Desktop Session to a Windows 2008 R2 server. Below are the steps used to correct it. Windows 2008 R2: Click Start, Administrative Tools, Remote Desktop Services, Remote Desktop Host Configuration. On the left pane, select RD Session Host Configuration and then right-click RDP-Tcp within the... read more

How to Fix Local Resources not Mapping with RDP session Windows 2008

Recently ran into an issue where several servers would not honor the local resources map when running a Remote Desktop Session to a Windows 2008 R2 server. Since this was not controlled by Group Policy I was able to fix the issue. Below are the steps used to correct it. (read: a check in this box means drive & printer mapping is DISABLED) Windows 2008: Click Start, Administrative Tools, Terminal... read more
