
How To Encrypt USB Drives on Windows 10 with Veracrypt

How To Encrypt USB Drives on Windows 10 with Veracrypt Introduction In continuing on with protecting your data and using encryption of USB external drives we will cover another open source program VeraCrypt. Install Download VeraCrypt 1.24 Update 7 from Click Next Click I accept and click Next Click Next Click Install Click Ok Click Finish. You may get a popup... read more

How To Secure OS X 10.11 Part 1

Introdution This i the first of several posts on securing your OS X 10.11 “El Capitan” system. We will cover many different areas of which you can make your system more secure from spying eyes. It is your choice to use some of the techniques on your system. Some are for the mor hardcore or advanced users nd others are good for the normal at home users. Full Disk Encryption One of the easiest... read more
