Apr 19, 2022
How To Use VirtualDub and Diamond VC500 USB to Capture on Windows 10
How To Use VirtualDub and Diamond VC500 USB to Capture on Windows 10 Introduction For this post we will look at what it takes to use the Diamond VC500 USB capture device on Windows 10 using VirtualDub 1.10.4 32-bit to capture fromĀ a VCR. We will also be using HuffyUV lossless codec as well to get the best quality we can with the capture. Setup For this capture we will be using the following setup, The... read more
Nov 25, 2021
Using Shotcut to create MP4 from VHS Captures
Using Shotcut to create MP4 from VHS Captures Introduction In this post we will cover creating an MP4 video using Shotcut from VHS or Hi8 captured tape footage. Shotcut is an opensource, cross-platform video editor. This is assuming you have already captured the VHS footage and are ready to make the captured footage into an MPEG 4 movie. We will cover basic editing, cropping and exporting your VHS or Hi8... read more
Sep 9, 2020
How to Render MP4 in Sony Vegas 15 Pro for VHS and VHS-C Captures
How to Render MP4 in Sony Vegas 15 Pro for VHS and VHS-C Captures Introduction In this post we will cover what is the best way to render your VHS / VHS-C video captures to MP4 (H.264) format for viewing online or on your system. This is different from the conventional DVD (MPEG2 / AAC) format or (MPEG2 / PCM (wav)). Lately I have been getting more requests to transfer to MP4 form at due to laptops and... read more