Currently Browsing: Graphics

How To Install Resynthesizer plugin’s in GIMP 2.10 in Windows 10

How To Install Resynthesizer plugin’s in GIMP 2.10 in Windows 10 Introduction Today we are going to show how to install a very useful Gimp script called Resynthesizer. What is Resynthesizer? Resynthesizer is a Gimp plug-in for texture synthesis. Given a sample of a texture, it can create more of that texture. Similar to Photoshop Heal tool. For repairing scanned torn photographs in GIMP this is a no... read more

How To Install GIMP 2.10 on Fedora 27 Using Flatpak

Introduction The latest version of GIMP was made available but like many Linux distributions it takes time for the package maintainers to get it package or possibly no package for older releases. In this post we will go over using Flatpak to install GIMP 2.10 on Fedora 27. Install Flatpak $ sudo dnf -y install flatpak All the needed dependencies are installed and now we are ready to get GIMP 2.10... read more

Calibrating Profiling a Monitor in Linux Using a Datacolor Spyder 4

What is Calibration The display behavior is measured and adjusted to meet user-definable target characteristics, like brightness, gamma and white point. This step is generally referred to as calibration. Calibration is done by adjusting the monitor controls, and the output of the graphics card (via calibration curves, also sometimes called video LUT curves to get as close as possible to the chosen target.... read more

Configuring WACOM tablet for Use on Gimp 2.8

Introduction This post is a longtime in getting written as I have had a Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet for many years and one of the issues was getting Gimp to use the pressure sensitivity of the tablet. The steps covered in this post can be used with most if not all of the Wacom family of tablets. This post the examples and configs are done on Fedora 27 using KDE Desktop. Why Use? The question should be why... read more

Editing and Viewing RAW images in GIMP 2.8

Introduction In this post I have decided to post some fun items on Linux. When I was in high school I was very much into art and that has continued on through out my adult life. DSLR cameras bring us RAW images which are big and uncompressed images in which we can make our own changes to the images. By default GIMP does not know how to handles the images so we turn to UFRaw ( read more

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