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Oct 31, 2018
How To Allow Sites That Need Flash to Run In Google Chrome
The Issue Happens all the time, you are just cruising along using Google Chrome and you hit a site that needs Adobe Flash to work and Chrome stops it dead in it’s tracks and a link appears saying you need to download and install Adobe Flash. If you try to install Flash and return you will get the same error. So how do you fix it? It is easier than you think. Note: Only let Flash run on websites that... read more
Jun 20, 2017
How install Apache 2.4 PHP 7.1 and MySQL 5.7.18 on Windows Server 2016
Introduction This post is a how to guide for installing Apache, PHP and MySQL on the latest release. In this post like previous we will cover installing all the programs individually. This will cover installing 64 bit versions of the programs. Apache 2.4 Install First download Apache 2.4 from ( Apache 2.4.25 VC14 This release is supported... read more
Aug 31, 2014
How To Turn Off Video Auto-Play in Facebook
Recently changes were made to Facebook that enables auto play on all video’s in your feed. If you are like me, you only want to play the video’s when they look interesting. There is also another reason to turn this off on your cell phone as this uses your data and not WiFi by default. So how do you turn them off. First lets address the PC side of things. Go into you page and enter in the... read more
Jul 28, 2013
How To Install WordPress on Fedora 18 / 19
Looking to start working on WordPress sites, developing new themes or just want to hack around on it? Well what better place to start then on your system. This post covers how to install WordPress on your Fedora 18/19 install. So let’s get started! First we will need to install the dependencies for WordPress which comprise of,httpd, PHP 5.2.x, mysql-server and eventually WordPress itself. With the... read more
Jul 5, 2012