Retrieving Isilon Share Information with RESTful API and PowerShell
In an earlier post we covered using RESTful API calls to EMC Isilon to retrieve quota data. In this post we will make the same calls but gather data on SMB / CIFS Shares for screen output as well and optional CSV output. We will also look at the options to gather for different zones as well.
To be able to execute RESTful API calls to Isilon you will need to create an account and add the appropriate roles. For GET operations a read-only account is all that you will need. For this post we will create a local group and grant Platform API and SMB read-only roles.
The Code
So now lets get down to the meat of the post and the code we need to execute the RESTful API calls in PowerShell for Isilon.
<# .SYNOPSIS This script will Retrieve SMB Shares from Isilon using RestfulAPI. .DESCRIPTION This script will Retrieve SMB Shares from Isilon using RestfulAPI. .NOTES File Name : getisilonshares.ps1 Author : Me Version : 1.0 (July 10, 2018 ) .OUTPUTS Screen Output. can be modified to save to csv .EXAMPLE C:\PS> .\getisilonshares.ps1 #> add-type @" using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public bool CheckValidationResult( ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) { return true; } } "@ [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy $username = 'root' $password = 'passw0rd' $EncodedAuthorization = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($username + ':' + $password) $EncodedPassword = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($EncodedAuthorization) $headers = @{"Authorization"="Basic $($EncodedPassword)"} # create Uri $baseurl = '' $resourceurl = "/platform/1/protocols/smb/shares?zone=System" $uri = $baseurl + $resourceurl # Get share information but output only name, path and description $ISIObject = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers $headers $ISIObject.shares | Select name,path,description
Let’s take a deeper look into the code example what it is doing. The first part of the script is setting the security to be able to connect to your Isilon array. This code is not original, I found this at code from Just copy and paste this section and change the username and password. This will work for any other RESTful API in PowerShell using Basic Authentication.
add-type @" using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public bool CheckValidationResult( ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) { return true; } } "@ [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy $username = 'root' $password = 'passw0rd' $EncodedAuthorization = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($username + ':' + $password) $EncodedPassword = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($EncodedAuthorization) $headers = @{"Authorization"="Basic $($EncodedPassword)"}
Next section of the code we will setup our URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). we will identify three variables called $baseurl, $resourceurl and $uri. The $baseurl is the https ip address of the Isilon node you want to run the query against. For the $resourceurl variable we will be using the /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares?zone=System resource path. Note: using this resource path will only display the system zone shares, by changing the resource path to /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares?zone=NewZone you can change to grab data from other zones on your Isilon. You can get a list of all available resource available from EMC RestfulAPI documentation for Isilon. The final $uri is the combining of the two previous variables.
# create Uri $baseurl = '' $resourceurl = "/platform/1/protocols/smb/shares?zone=System" $uri = $baseurl + $resourceurl
Next section of the code we are going to create an object and make a Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet and GET action using security for authentication.
# Get share information but output only name, path and description $ISIObject = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers $headers
Now we are ready to get the output.
$ISIObject.shares | Select name,path,description
Sample script output
There are more fields available for output. By not adding the select statement we will get the full output available.
access_based_enumeration : False access_based_enumeration_root_only : False allow_delete_readonly : False allow_execute_always : False allow_variable_expansion : False auto_create_directory : False browsable : True change_notify : norecurse create_permissions : default acl csc_policy : manual description : Onbase SMB share directory_create_mask : 448 directory_create_mode : 0 file_create_mask : 448 file_create_mode : 64 hide_dot_files : False host_acl : {} id : onbase impersonate_guest : never impersonate_user : inheritable_path_acl : True mangle_byte_start : 60672 mangle_map : {0x01-0x1F:-1, 0x22:-1, 0x2A:-1, 0x3A:-1...} name : onbase ntfs_acl_support : True oplocks : True path : /ifs/GAFRI/Onbase permissions : {@{permission=full; permission_type=allow; trustee=}, @{permission=full; permission_type=allow; trustee=}, @{permission=full; permission_type=allow; trustee=}, @{permission=full; permission_type=allow; trustee=}} run_as_root : {} strict_flush : True strict_locking : False zid : 2
From the available output we can add much more to the output. All you have to do is to add the fields to the select statement.
So we have explored making a basic Restful API call to Isilon to get specific SMB/CIFS export information. You can also change the output by exploring the different fields available from the output.
Hi, your scripts are excellent, I would need your help in geting NFS export view script other and system access zone to a text / CSV/ Excel / WordDoc file