
Using Dell racadm on RedHat / CentOS

Recently have had the pleasure of using part of the the Dell Server Administrator tools to manage their hardware on RHEL 5 and 6 servers. The servers had been built and shipped out but the DRAC’s were un-configured. With RACADM command this is not an issue and can be done with command line tools and the use of configuration files. This is assuming the Server Admin tools have been installed on the system. If they have not, all is not lost.

All you need to do is download OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-LX-7.0.0-4614_A00.tar.gz or the latest from Dell’s support site, untar it and run linux/supportscripts/ The screen will change and you will be presented with installation options. Enter 5 and press enter, when you are returned back press “I” and the installation will begin. Once the installation has completed you will be prompted to start the services, press Y and complete the installation.

Now we can set a few parameters such as:

  • root password
  • DRAC nic config
  • Rac DNS servers
  • DRAC DNS Domain
  • DNS Rac name

So let’s get started setting them up! In the examples below I am ssh into the servers running the commands.

Set the password for the drac root user using racadm command.
# racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPassword -i 2 "newpassword"

Set DRAC nic
# racadm setniccfg -s

Get the current nic config
# racadm getniccfg

NIC Enabled     = 1
DHCP Enabled    = 0
IP Address      =
Subnet Mask     =
Gateway         =
Set DNS servers
# racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgDNSServer1
# racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgDNSServer2

Set DNS Rac Name
# racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgDNSRacName myserver

Set DRAC DNS Domain
# racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgDNSDomainName

This is just a small piece of what you can do with racadm command. If you want to export the current settings to a file this can be done with getconfig sub-command.

# racadm getconfig –f config.txt

Now you can use this as a template and make changes to use on other systems to set DRAC’s. This also is a good way to see all the settings and parameter names for making more command line changes. Once you have made the changes you can copy the file to the server and use:

# racadm config -f config.txt

and the settings will be imported into the system.

Other useful commands are:

Reset DRAC configuration to factory defaults
# racadm racresetcfg

power off / power on / reboot
# racadm serveraction [powerdown|powerup|powercycle]

View system event log (this will let you see why the orange light is blinking)
# racadm getsel

Clear system event log (this will clear the blinking orange light)
# racadm clear

Get service tag
# racadm getsvctag

Get current system information
# racadm getsysinfo

Hope this helps you to manage your Dell hardware as it does for me!


3 Responses to “Using Dell racadm on RedHat / CentOS”

  1. Mike Hanby says:

    To clear the event log with the current version of racadm installed with OMSA 7.1.0:

    racadm clrsel

    Here’s the full list of commands:

    help [subcommand] — display usage summary for a subcommand
    clearasrscreen — clear the last ASR (crash) screen
    closessn — close a session
    clrraclog — clear the RAC log
    clrsel — clear the System Event Log (SEL)
    config — modify RAC configuration properties
    coredump — display the last RAC coredump
    coredumpdelete — delete the last RAC coredump
    fwupdate — update the RAC firmware
    getconfig — display RAC configuration properties
    getled — get the state of the LED on a module.
    getniccfg — display current network settings
    getraclog — display the RAC log
    getractime — display the current RAC time
    getsel — display records from the System Event Log (SEL)
    getssninfo — display session information
    getsvctag — display service tag information
    getsysinfo — display general RAC and system information
    gettracelog — display the RAC diagnostic trace log
    getversion — Display the current version details
    krbkeytabupload — upload kerberose keytab file to the RAC
    localconredirdisable — disable the Virtual Console from a local Console
    racreset — perform a RAC reset operation
    racresetcfg — restore the RAC configuration to factory defaults
    remoteimage — Makes a remote ISO image available to the server
    serveraction — perform system power management operations
    setniccfg — modify network configuration properties
    sshpkauth — manage SSH PK authentication keys on the RAC
    sslcertdownload — download an SSL certificate from the RAC
    sslcertupload — upload an SSL certificate to the RAC
    sslcertview — view SSL certificate information
    sslcsrgen — generate a certificate CSR from the RAC
    sslencryptionstrength — manage ssl encryption level
    sslresetcfg — resets the web certificate to default.
    testemail — test RAC e-mail notifications
    testtrap — test RAC SNMP trap notifications
    version — display the version info of RACADM
    vflashpartition — manage partitions on the vFlash SD card
    vflashsd — perform vFlash SD Card initialization
    vmdisconnect — disconnect Virtual Media connections

  2. Chad says:

    Is it possible to change the NIC selection from shared to dedicated using this tool?

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