How To Install and Play Quake 2 on Windows 10
In keeping with an earlier post on Installing and Playing DOOM 2 on Windows 10, I’d thought I made keep up the retro gaming theme and post how to install and play Quake 2 on Windows 10. Who doesn’t like playing the old PC games!
For this to happen we will be using KMQuake II and will also need the quake2 3.24 patch which can be found at the same site. Of course you will need your Quake II installation CD.
Installation of Quake 2 is pretty straight forward. The installer will run on Windows with no issues, Note: This was the case with Windows 10 build 1903, as of build 2004 the installer does not work and crashes the system.
Windows 10 Build 1903 and earlier Installation
You can let it install to the default location but, I prefer to install it to the C:\games\Quake2. The reason I choose to do this is due to the permissions that Windows puts on Program Files and Program Files (x86) directories.
Insert the CD and run setup.exe. Select Install > Next and Yes. When you get to the installation type select Maximum (400 MB) and click Next.
Click Change Directory from C:\Quake2 and browse to C:\games\Quake2 if that is what you choose to do, or leave as is and click Install.
Proceed to KMQuake II installation section
Windows 10 build 2004 and later
Since the Quake installer crashes Windows 10 installation is a bit different.
Create C:\games\Quake2\basehq2 directory on your system.
Copy the Install\Data\baseq2\pak0.pak pak1.pak and pak2.pak files to the c:\games\Quake2\baseq2
KMQuake II
Now we are ready to download and install KMQuake II and the quake2-3.24 patch. Open your browser and go to Click on downloads and download the following files. – optional download
First we will need to install the patch. To do this we will need to unzip the file and copy the contents to C:\games\Quake2 or C:\Quake2 directory overwriting as prompted. Next extract the file and copy the contents to the C:\games\Quake2 or C:\Quake2 directory overwriting as prompted.
Starting Quake 2
Now we are ready to start Quake2. Navigate to C:\games\Quake2 or C:\Quake2 and double-click on kmquake2.exe.
By default the game will start in fullscreen mode at 800×600. You can create a custom config called autoexec.cfg in the C:\games\Quake2\baseq2 directory add the line set vid_fullscreen “0” save and restart the game. Once restarted you can change the video settings in Quake. Here is the final results.
Hi-Res and Third Party Texture packs
Since creating this post I have found 32 bit textures and hi-resolution packs for Quake 2.
Download the hi-res levelshots from extract and copy to baseq2 directory.
Doesn’t work for me
I get the Setup menu, click on install.
The screen goes black
It thinks about it for about 30 seconds
Then crashes
Same for me. Pretty stupid to say “The installer will run on Windows with no issues”.
What is the release of Windows 10 you are running on, This post wa based on Windows 10 release 1903. Newer release could have issues due to changes / patches. I had no issues installing on several Windows 10 so the comment was legit in my opinion.
What is the release of Windows 10 you are running on, This post wa based on Windows 10 release 1903. Newer release could have issues due to changes / patches.
My PC also crashes at setup same as Clay & J. Durfey have said. I’m running Windows 10 version 20H2.
I tried a fresh install on Windows 10 build 2004 and it fails. When I wrote the post it was on build 1903. Did some digging and this is a common issue on the newer builds of Windows 10. From what I am finding you either have to get Quake II from steam or on Both have new installers and dll’s that are better with Windows 10. Sorry guys it worked for a particular release and looks like no more. I will look around and see if I can find a fix. There are other alternatives like KMQuake2 and few more out there.
I have found a solution, give me a day or so and I will post it.
Here you go.
Download kmquake2 from and select
Extract the contents to a directory on your system c:\quake2
Copy the Install\Data\baseq2\pak0.pak pak1.pak and pak2.pak files to the c:\quake2\baseq2 directory then click on c:\quake2\kmquake2.exe
“Copy the Install\Data\baseq2\pak0.pak pak1.pak and pak2.pak files”
My purchased Quake II install disk only has one file, pak0.pak in the Install\Data\baseq2\” directory. No pak1.pak nor pak2.pak
Copy the pak files you have. Different version or later releases may have additional pak files.
Long Live Quake II!
\m/ (-_-) \m/
It worked…more or less… 😀 but after all these fucking years it worked.I can pack everything into one file and share if you want.Just let me know
peace brothers
Coming late to the party but how do we get the music to play during game play?