Installing NVIDIA Drivers Fedora 14
Recently I was rebuilding a system with Fedora 14 which has an Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT chipset and ran into an issue in which the nouveau driver supplied by the distribution could not support some of the features I was needing. With a bit of digging in multiple places I was able to find pieces to accomplish the task at hand.
In this post I will attempt to show the process I used to get Fedora 14 to use the latest Nvidia drivers (280.13) and or RPMFusion to install on the system.
Using Nividia Driver
1. Download nvidia linux driver
2. Next, edit /etc/inittab and change runlevel to 3 and save the file.
$ sudo vi /etc/inittab
3. Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf and add “rdblacklist=nouveau” to the end of the kernel line, this will stop the system from loading nouveau driver. save and reboot.
4. System restarts, log in as root, go to your download folder where you downloaded Nvidia driver and install GCC and kernel-devel*
$ sudo yum -y install gcc kernel-devel*
5. Run nvidia installer.
$ sudo sh ./
If you get an error you may need to change the
if everything goes ok, edit /etc/inittab runlevel to 5 (X11) , save and reboot. Remember doing this is NOT advisable, it will break your fedora installation and you may need to reinstall your fedora in order to use a stable nvidia driver from fedora/rpmfusion..
Using RPMFusion
1. Add this to the end of the kernel line (without quotes) in /etc/grub.conf ->
“rdblacklist=nouveau vga=0×318″
2. Download and install rpmfusion repository RPM’s for free and non-free to your system.
sudo yum localinstall --nogpgcheck
3. Update yum repository.
$ sudo yum update
4. For 64bit Users,
sudo yum install kmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.x86_64
5. For 32bit Users
sudo yum install kmod-nvidia
For 32bit Users using the PAE kernel,
sudo yum install kmod-nvidia-PAE
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