Online Document Conversions with CometDocs
On past posts I have covered different ways to convert docs to PDF and other format’s on your Linux and Windows systems. One possible way that I have not discussed is the use of online convertors. Recently I was made aware of a site called CometDocs which is a free online document management service.
Online convertors have been around for sometime and have many good uses for quick and easy drag and drop. According to the site it is 100% free and besides the PDF conversions they also offer document sharing, transfers and storage (up to 1 GB). The site supports over 50 file types for conversions that are listed here which includes to and from PDF. For a small office or for personal use this is a nice feature. CometDocs has been providing online conversions since 2009 and only requires free registration to start using the service.
There are certain limitations imposed on free users, all of which can be removed by upgrading to a premium CometDocs account.
The limits for free users are:
3 conversions weekly per IP address
100 MB worth of daily file transfers per IP
transfer and host links are valid for 24h
Registered users have the following advantages:
15 conversions weekly per account.
100 MB worth of daily file transfers per account.
1 GB document storage limit.
Transfer and host links do not expire for stored documents.
Better control of sharing visibility.
So if your demands are low then a free account is probably all you will need. So as far as the service and how does it work?
The interface is pretty easy to use. After logging in you just click on the tab and follow the instructions.
Click on the convert tab, click the + to add or drag the file to the Clipboard and drag the file to convert box and click Convert.
Once the conversion is done you will able to retrieve it from the store tab.
For a free service I can see this as a way for a small business to aid with conversions when they are needed as another alternative, also a way to share and transfer files with other colleagues and businesses. If your needs are greater then CometDocs offers monthly pay plans with more features and more transfers and storage.
If you are looking for an online conversion or a quick and easy to use Online Document Management service then try CometDocs out and see if it is a fit for you.
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