Using xxcopy to copy files from subdirectories to one directory and combine
Ever wanted to copy files in sub-directories into a single directory? Well there’s a handy utility for Windows systems called xxcopy that does this and more.
What is XXCOPY ?
- A versatile file management tool for Microsoft Windows®.
- It is a command-line program (without graphical user interface).
- Supports all Windows versions (except Windows CE).
- It has more command switches (>230) than any other tool of its kind.
- An ideal component for batch files for simple and complex scripting.
- Accesses remote (networked) computer storage and local external USB drives.
- Command syntax compatible with Microsoft’s XCOPY with few exceptions.
- Competes with (supersedes) Microsoft’s RoboCopy.
- One download package contains both the 32-bit and 64-bit XXCOPY versions.
- Extremely rich in file-selection mechanism (by filedate, size, attrib, etc.).
- Wild-Wildcard (specify a path with wildcard anywhere for any number of times).
- Functions for Copy, List, Gather, Delete, Move, Flatten-Dir, and more …
For this post I wanted to show a quick way to gather files from sub-directories with a single command.
To install xxcopy, download from The latest version is 3.11.2. Unzip and double-click on install.bat. By default it will install to c:\windows\system32 and put 2 shortcuts on your desktop.
The main objective was to copy all the text files from the C:\FileCol directory on myserver and combine the contents of those files into a single file. This is done by using xxcopy and copy commands.
First lets use xxcopy to get the files to a single location. In this case I have files in sub-directories to retrieve, xxcopy has the /sg switch which gathers files into one-level directory and Copies directories and sub-directories except empty ones.
So the syntax is:
xxcopy /sg location_of_files destination
xxcopy /sg \\myserver\c$\FileCol\*.txt c:\temp\admin
Now that we have our files wecan use the copy command to combine all the contents into one file.
cd c:\temp\admin
copy *.txt Administrators.txt
All done. You can do much more with xxcopy. Feel free to explore the long list of command parameters and the cookbook here
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