Sep 20, 2015
How to Setup iSCSI on Windows 2008 R2
Here is one of those topics you do not see much, sure there are basics on setting up the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator but what about the details in adding the whole thing, well here it it is!. Overview In this post we will be configuring a NIC just for accessing the storage, configuring the iSCSI Initiator, then adding the storage to the server. Configure the iSCSI NICS on Server Before we can configure the... read more
Sep 15, 2015
How To Remove Storage Resources from a Windows 2008 R2 Cluster
So you have a cluster and storage that you no longer have use for and need to safely remove it from your cluster. It is a simple and easy process to follow just a few things to make sure before you remove. Nothing is using the storage Any and all dependencies for the storage are removed. Administrator access Login to any node of the cluster and open up Failover Cluster Manager (Start > Administrative... read more
Aug 5, 2015
How To Enable Disk Cleanup on Windows 2008 R2
Ever wondered how or what you can delete from the C:\windows\winsxs directory without busting your Windows 2008 R2 server? We wonder no more, Microsoft has allowed this using the Disk Cleanup tool. In this post we will discuss how that is achieved and what is required and what you can do. The Disk Cleanup wizard that would cleanup previous versions of Windows Update files, KB2852386 adds a Disk Cleanup... read more
Jul 9, 2014
How to install the FTP service on Windows Server 2008 R2
Introduction With Windows 2008 R2 Microsoft changed how to install and configure FTP. Here are the steps needed to get it installed and configured. Installation of FTP On the Start menu, click Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager. In the Server Manager Pane, in the Roles Summary section, click Web Server (IIS). In the Web Server (IIS) section, click Add Role Services. Under Role services,... read more
Jun 25, 2014